We work in a person centred way at Meadow Park. This means that we put your child and parents/carers at the very heart of planning and decision making. If your child has any special or additional educational needs then we will seek the appropriate guidance to put strategies and interventions in place in order to help your child to make the best progress possible. As well as utilising the specialist skills we have within our own team of staff, we may also need to consult with professionals from outside of the school to provide us with guidance and support.
If your child has a significant or very complex special educational need, we may apply to the Local Authority for a joint Education, Health and Care Plan to be put in place. This is a multi agency plan which is drawn up with your child, parents/carers and everyone working with your child / family in order to meet all the special needs your child may have. A thorough assessment is conducted to help decide whether a plan is needed or not. If a plan is needed, then the Local Authority and other services may release extra resources, or the plan may give access into a more specialist school setting.
We have a member of staff at school who is responsible for Special Educational Needs, who is the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator). If you are concerned about your child’s needs, then you can let your child’s teacher know, or ask to speak to the SENDCo.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) and Interventions Manager is Mrs K. Davies. Contact via the school contact details.
To see a copy of our SEN policy and Information report and Annual Equality and Accessibility Plan, please click on the buttons below: