In order to be as successful as we possibly can with our students, it is necessary for us to work with a wide range of partners. We often need to look beyond developing learning skills, in order to unlock the true potential of our students. We believe that a person centred approach works best, and this means that we will work with you, and make joint decisions about your child’s provision. This sometimes means that some of the strategies and interventions have to extend beyond school into the home and community, so it is essential that we have a very close and secure working relationship with parents/carers.
We work in close collaboration with services and agencies which may include:
- Educational Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists
- Psychiatrists
- Paediatricians
- CAMHs Services
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Specialist teachers
- Occupational Therapists
- Youth Justice / Crime and Disorder Unit
- Police, fire services and other emergency services
- Colleges, further education settings and training organisations
- Youth and Play Services
- Anti-Social Behaviour Unit
- Housing Associations
- Children’s Social Care
- School Nursing Services
- KOOTH Counselling
- Smoking Cessation Services
- Drug and Alcohol Misuse Team
- Stronger Families Team
The above list is not exhaustive and there are many other services we may need to involve as part of a coordinated approach to meeting the holistic needs of our students.
Steve Morgan Foundation:
Altru Creative Education
For Housing
Everton in the Community